Saturday, February 13, 2016

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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Online Arcade Gaming Community

The success of online arcade gaming can be attributed to the huge number of dedicated online communities that support arcade games.
These games have stood their ground at a time when technological advances have paved way for hardcore graphic systems capable of rendering movie like graphics.
The online community regularly conducts tourneys for arcade games with huge prize money at stake.
Xbox Live conducted a Pac-man championship in New York in May of 2007.
Nine finalists from around the world fought each other for a one of a kind Pac-man inspired Xbox 360 console, 100,000 Microsoft points, and a Pac-Man Live Arcade Trophy.
Finalists were selected based on scores of Xbox LIVE Arcade leader box from Japan, USA, Europe, Middle East, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Canada and Mexico.
The primary reason for a spurt in the online arcade community is the rise of a huge number of multiplayer arcade games.
Arcade games are from another era that is hard pressed to survive an intense competition. This is the primary reason for the close knit nature of arcade gaming communities.
The resurgence of arcade titles on consoles and handhelds is another reason for the growing arcade communities. The online arcade communities have made sure that arcade games are here to stay.
Arcade games have shown an immense resilience surviving everything from consoles to the Internet. The arcade communities have played a huge part in seeing the genre through the hardest of times.
With the advent of internet, these communities saw a massive rise in numbers. These communities are closely knitted and work as a single entity when it comes to competing game genres.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Top 10 Sports Video Games Of All Time

There have been hundreds of sports video games throughout the years. In less than forty years weve gone from Pong to MLB 2K6 for the Xbox 360. But the evolution of games hasnt always meant better games. Just because a game has flashier interfaces and better graphics, it doesnt necessarily make for good gameplay. Thats the reason that many PS2 and Xbox games are doomed to linger in discount bins at your local game store, while classics like NHL 94 and Tecmo Super Bowl continued to be obsessed over by sports fans. Heres my Top 10 of all time:
10. Jordan vs. Bird (NES) – Was the one-on-one gameplay that great? No, not really. But the game was innovative with the three point competition and slam dunk contest long before it showed up anywhere else. For that alone it deserves a spot in the Top 10.
9. Madden 2005 (PS2, Xbox, GC) – The jump from ’04 to ’05 was HUGE. ’05 introduced the hit-stick control and defensive playmaker to bring the defensive control on par with the offense. Franchise mode is pretty much the same as ’04, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. My favorite thing to do is build a team from scratch. I love taking the worst team in the league and building them into a powerhouse. You can move them to a new city and build a new stadium, then draft real college players from NCAA ’05. Overall, I liked this game more than any other Madden. 2006 just didn’t improve upon this game enough for me.
8. Punch-Out (NES) what kid born in the late 70s or early 80s DIDNT spend hours on end trying to beat Tyson with Little Mac?
7. Madden 94 (Genesis, SNES) – Based on memory this game was awesome. I remember being able to play with all the NFL teams and a bunch of classic teams. It was one of my favorite sports games growing up. That said, I played it recently and it sucks. It can’t even come close to holding it’s own against Tecmo Super Bowl. The passing is unrealistic, and the running consists of repeatedly hitting the spin button while tacklers bounce off your runner. Its this high just because of how much I remember enjoying it as a kid.
6. NBA Live 95 (Genesis, SNES) – This game might not have been realistic at all, but it was insanely fun to run up and down the court firing up threes and throwing up alley-oops. The fact that it was the first NBA game by EA with every team and every arena also scores it points. Not to mention, this was the first game with the 3/4 angle camera.
5. NFL Blitz (Arcade) – The football version of NBA Jam. Fast scoring, late hits, and crazy rules like being able to throw multiple forward passes behind the line of scrimmage make this game great. The arcade version was waaaay better than the PS or N64 versions.
4. NBA Jam (Arcade) – Between the arcade version and the console versions, I’ve played a ton of NBA Jam. It is one of the most unique games ever. Who didn’t enjoy beating the crap out of people in mid-air or hitting three after three when they were on fire? This game totally rocked. The best part was getting all of the codes and playing with mascots and Bill Clinton.
3. Little League Baseball (NES) – I don’t know why this game doesn’t get more attention as one of the best NES sports games. The gameplay is the best of any NES baseball game – pitching, hitting, and fielding all are simple and feel relatively realistic. Plus there’s just something fun and unique about playing with little leaguers. As far as I know this is the only little league game ever, although I could be wrong. Adding to the excitement, certain teams are significantly better than others. Want a challenge? Try winning a tournament with Italy, the worst team in the game. The replay value of LLB is unbelievable; I still play it to this day.
2. NHL 94 (Genesis, SNES) – I love modern NHL games as much as the next guy, but this game is the best ever. I still play it ALL THE TIME. The quality of play is amazing. Take away the easy wrap-around goals and the gameplay is amazingly real, especially considering how old this game is. Oh, and for the record, they are playing NHL 93 in Swingers but talking about the removal of fighting in NHL 94. Weird huh?
1. Tecmo Super Bowl (NES) – This game was far ahead of it’s time – editable playbooks and season long stat tracking were so cool back then. The gameplay is far from realistic but amazingly equal. For that reason, the game is still popular and there are tons of people who still play in online leagues. The advent of emulators has allowed for the editing of rosters – I’ve played versions of the game with rosters from as recent as 2004. There are also versions with college rosters and USFL rosters. The weird little gameplay quirks like Bo Jackson being impossible to stop, fumbles bouncing all over the place, choosing defensive plays by guessing the offensive play, 100 yard passes, etc make the game MORE fun. This game will never, ever get old.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Site Offers Free Xbox With Membership

Video games may be nothing more than evening diversions to most Americans, but the industry as a whole is a multibillion-dollar heavyweight. And now enthusiasts can play for free if they know where to look on the Internet.
NetFree Direct LLC, an Internet marketing company, provides a way for anyone who participates in advertisers’ offers on its site to get a free Xbox 360. Microsoft broke new ground in the video game business when the Xbox launched in 2001, and came back swinging last year with the wildly popular Xbox 360.
Simply by visiting NetFree Direct’s Web site, people can sign up by entering an e-mail address, answering a few simple questions and responding to advertisers’ offers. NetFree Direct works with leading sponsors such as BMG, Blockbuster, Netflix, Discover Card, USA Today and Disney.
And if you’re looking for a flat-screen TV with which to hook up your Xbox, NetFree’s site offers those for free, too. In fact, the site also offers free laptops, desktop PCs, mobile phones, PlayStations and other game consoles, digital cameras, gift cards and other popular electronics – all sponsored by leading advertisers.
The Xbox 360 offer is featured on the home page of the site with directions on how to become a member. After completing an advertiser’s survey or subscription, signing up for a free trial or applying for a credit card offer, the member is eligible to receive the free reward.
The trial offers or subscriptions can be canceled without obligation, but members will still receive the Xbox or other giveaways.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Features Of The Xbox 360

Tired of the software you have available for your Xbox 360? Are you interested to try new software? Get hooked with Xbox 360 and you wont have to leave the comfort of your room just to buy those latest videos and games! All you need to have is your broadband or high speed connection and your authorized or your own credit card for the purchase.
Xbox 360 has online multi-functions plus an expandable HD multi gig memory. With the said features, all you need is to connect through online and purchase downloads of mini-games, movies, and even TV shows! There are even downloads of demo versions of new or popular “must-have” games that you can try out first before buying the full version!
You may be curious if the Xbox 360 games can be copied. Definitely. However, you also need to do some home work. The first thing you will need is the right equipments
1. an Ethernet cable, a converting software ISO-file
2. a CD-ROM or a DVD writer
3. disc
4. software needed for your burning.
In order for you to successfully burn these games on your Xbox 360, you need to perform an installation process using a mod chip. Alternatively, you can also install or download firmware. This firmware is needed for you to bypass the systems verification process thus allowing you to burn the games.
How to copy games to your PC
There are 10 new songs that come with the initial package of the guitar hero download. Most of these are rock songs from band like My Chemical Romance and Toadies.
Downloading guitar hero songs to your PC is very easy. You will just need an Ethernet cable, mod chip for xBOx to be able to play the downloaded games and a couple of software– one for converting the games to .ISO file and another for burning the games to the DVDs or CD-ROMs.
The first thing that you should do is to connect your xBox to the computer with the use of the Ethernet cable. Once you get hooked with the source, you can now transfer the files and at the same time create backup on your hard drive.
Once you have already downloaded the files, you can now convert it to .ISO files. You need to do this because the computer cannot recognize and open files that are not in .ISO format. You will require any software that can convert files to .ISO. If you do not have one, you can download free programs in the Internet for this.
After converting the files, it is now time to copy and transfer it to the disks. You can use Neros Burning Rom or Alcohol 120 software when transferring files to DVDs or CDs. This set of software is most compatible with the xBox series. This software is also available through the Internet and you can download it anytime, if you havent got this one yet.
Before continuing with the next set of games, you should try check it first with the xBox to make sure that it could read the disc properly. The usual problem encountered is that disc is not compatible with the player so try to look for the best CD or DVD to burn with.
If you are successful with the burning, you can go on with the other games and start enjoying the new guitar hero downloads.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Will The Xbox Have Long Term Staying Power?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, then you’ve known about the release of the Xbox 360, the mother of all video game systems…well at leats until the Playstation 3 comes out in addition to the new Nintendo box currently code-named “Revolution.” Anyway, by the end of the year, the Xbox 360 will have about 25 or so titles to choose from. And by the end of 2006 there should most likely be at least 100 titles. If you’ve seen the games in action then you know just how powerful this new system is when compared to the original Xbox or any other game console currently available. The games are nothing short of breathtaking. If there were more systems available then impulse buying for this thing would probably be through the roof. And finally you have the backwards compatitbility of the 360 that allows you to play the majority of the original Xbox games.
Now having said all of this, one would think that the life expectancy of the original Xbox is short at best. But is this really the case? Let’s look at a few more details.
At this point the scarcity of the 360 is driving the price at places like Amazon and Ebay through the roof. I’ve seen prices as high as $1500 for some packages. Even if you get one for the retail price, it’s still 3 times higher then the original Xbox, which is now typically in the low hundreds range. But the biggest reason the Xbox will not go away quietly is the same reason the Playstation 2 is still going strong…the games. People who’ve been buying and trading games for years now are not going to see the need to upgrade their system right away. At least not for a while. But even if they do, all one has to do is look at the success of the GameBoy and Playstation 2 and the loyalty of their users. Game developers still make games for these consoles because they still sell like hotcakes. It really is all about the games. Its the main reason you see free Xbox giveaways, and also the reason Microsoft takes a loss with every system they sell…or so they say.
So while the Xbox 360 may be the big boy on the block right now, don’t write off the original Xbox just yet. It’ll be around for a while and the best may be yet to come!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Xbox 360 – Learn How To Fix It Yourself

Are you are having problems with your Xbox 360 like three flashing red lights near the power button, or the red error ring, or other problems with overheating, graphic errors, and freeze ups? Well, you are not alone. Albeit the Xbox 360 is far superior to other game consoles, it is not perfect and your only choices for repair are to ship it back to Microsoft or do the repairs yourself.
The overheating problem is one of the most common issues and it can be fixed most of the time by putting the console in a more ventilated place. However, hardware failure (i.e., the three flashing lights) is the worst. You can unplug and restart the console and sometimes this fixes the issue but often you will see the same error or after playing for a while it will happen again. The system will need to have repairs done. Microsoft is able to perform these repairs, but the unit has to be shipped to them. This can take a few weeks and depending on the severity of the problem can cost you around $150 to have the problem fixed. So hopefully after a few weeks and $150 later Microsoft was able to fix the issue and your Xbox 360 is returned without being damaged in transit.
Or, you can fix the three flashing red lights issue yourself. To do this you will need the Xbox 360 Repair Guide. This guide offers simple easy to follow instructions on how to fix all hardware failures as well as other Xbox issues like overheating, graphics errors, and freeze ups. Many people have reported getting their Xbox 360 back in working order in around an hour after reading the instructions. And others have even started their own Xbox 360 repair business buying problem consoles, fixing them, and selling them doubling their money! As you can see this solution far out ways the turnaround time from Microsoft and it’s much cheaper in fact you can make money from it.